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Instagram Tips to keep up with the updates in 2022

Instagram Tips to keep up with the updates in 2022

“Have you seen the new IG update?”

That’s a sentence you may hear at least twice a month from your friends and co-workers. Every week Instagram rolls out new updates, and we get it, it’s hard to keep up with them. Even our social media managers call it an Insta-Sport. But you don’t need to feel overwhelmed. We’ve put together a short list of tips on how to ace your Instagram game.


  • Use Reels! 

You may have noticed that your discovery page these days is mainly taken over by the videos. Let’s face it, even Facebook is trying to do Reels, and I think I’ve seen one clip that had 20M views. On Facebook! Way to go, grandpa. 

Also, you may want to upload more than once a week. We’ve noticed that uploading consistently (at least twice a week) increases your engagement and generates the following. Try it and let us know your feedback. 

  • Less Hashtags! #nohashtag

Remember those websites we’d use for TOP 50 or TOP 100 hashtags? No offense, Influence Marketing Hub or my favorite, Hootsuite, but those days are long gone. Try using fewer, more intentional hashtags instead. Be specific about your niche and stick to it.

  • Are you taking advantage of all the features?

This one may not be the right fit for everyone, as it refers to taking advantage of features such as videosshop options, or even considering becoming a guide. 

Instagram has added a handful of features in the shop you may want to explore. 

Videos – typical FYP (For You Page) – a tailored selection of videos made from your following as well as similar accounts. 

Collections – Perfect for shopping! Browse through this page to find products you may like, or have your products appear here. 

Guides – consider this as an Airbnb’s feature “Experiences” mixed with a Pinterest board. Top 10 Plants? Got a folder for that. Best Hair Products? Got a selection based on your preferred price point. Home Espresso Machines line up? Add it to my wish list! 

Browse this section more to become familiar with it.

As short-form video content is growing in popularity, we’re excited for what that means for our company in 2022! The algorithm pushes Reels and Tik Toks, and we can’t wait to film one for you!